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Waste Management: Overview, Technologies, and. Climate Change Implications. WTO WORKSHOP. Geneve September 2009. Jean E. Bogner, PhD. International Environmental Technology Centre (IETC). OSAKA - JAPAN UNEP GC decision 26/L2 on Chemicals and Waste Management.PDF | Waste is representing an important environmental pollution source, not only for the soil and ground water, but also for the air. Deposit in open. The last section of the guidebook provides technology fact sheet covering useful waste treatment and processing technology options, which can not only This booklet introduces some of leading Japanese waste disposal and recycling technologies. We hope to create a material-recycle society that generates as n.d. “Composting Process Technologies.” Accessed April 9, 2018. compost.org/pdf/compost_proc_tech_eng.pdf. Ekelund, L. and K. Nystrom. 2007. “ Collectively, these technologies can directly reduce GHG emissions (through landfill gas recovery, improved landfill practices, engineered wastewater management)
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