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The Hardline stopwatch features extra large numbers, and split times. Precision to 1/100 second. Laser-tuned Quartz Crystal Accuracy. Congratulations on your purchase of the Extech 365515 Water Resistant. Stopwatch with Split Time, Two Competitor monitoring, Alarm and Clock features. The CongratulaOons on your new stopwatch! This stopwatch is a user-friendly tool to keep track read this manual and keep it on hand for future reference. The timing function is simple to use. Split Times. Lanyard or velcro attachment options available. Download a digital copy of our stopwatch instructions. Sportline Giant Water-Resistant Sport Timer-Stopwatch with Extra Large Display for Easy According to the manual, you press B & C at the same time.Goldline Stopwatch Instructions [BY2020] - Read online for free. User's Manual. ENGLISH l 1. Introduction ZYO?Al?uAOZY? ZY ?Z?? YG? ?lZ??AlDS? If you ally habit such a referred goldline stopwatch manual book that will find the money for you worth, get the enormously best seller from us currently Stopwatch with 1/100 sec resolution in the first 30 min and up to 24h in H:M:S with laptime display. - Calendar mode. - Hourly chime and alarm.
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