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pdf format and maximum file size should be 2080 KB (2 MB). b) After submitting the Application form you can check the status of the form by re-login and click Work Flow for Medico-legal Cases brought to Emergency in AIIMS Bhopal (iii). The doctor may contact other doctors, Forensic Medicine experts and professional protection bodies to seek advice. 24. Medical Negligence (Malpractice). Medico-legal includes Forensic Medicine,. Forensic Science, DNA fingerprinting,. Toxicology, Environmental hazards,. Sexual Assault etc. The Medical Officer will also see that the card of the patient is marked/stamped “Medicolegal case” by the duty staff. MEDICO LEGAL EXAMINATION.Emergency medical care in all medicolegal cases takes precedence over the formalities especially when the condition of the patient is serious. 7. All the
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