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Big Block Install Kit; 7214 - TXT Big Block Install Kit EZGO Lift Kits; 6200 - Jake's 4" Drop Axle Lift (Marathon Gas) · 6201 - Jake's 4" Drop Axle Lift Jake's Lift Kits at jakesliftkits.com. Jakes Installation Instructions - EZGO. Big Block Install Kit; •7214 - Big Block Install Kit (TXT). Brush Guards LIFT KIT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. EZGO MEDALIST/TXT 1994-2001.5, GAS. 2. Remove the bottom shock nuts and hardware and keep them for reuse. Push the. LIFT KIT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. EZGO TXT ELEC, 2001.5 AND UP. 1. Engage parking brake and chock rear wheels. Raise Golf Cart with lift and use jack. Drop Axle Lift Kit will fit E-Z-GO® TXT® installation instructions. 2 Rear Shock. Mounting Plates. 2 Rear Lift Blocks. WARNING: After installing this liftoffset wheel for use on the RHOX Lift Kit. LIFT-110. 6” Drop Spindle Lift Kit. E-Z-Go TXT Gas 08.5+. Kawasaki Engine. Installation Instructions
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